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August 16, 2016


Well more or less

we’re both alright.

I could say more,

but then why spite


the other half

of this great fraction,

when 50/50

the main attraction.


I love this man

so much it hurts,

although I hate

ironing his shirts.


Not something that

the young ones do

for their dear men,

who love them true.


But for us, tradition

carried on.

Old habits formed

are never gone.


When ‘Come for Tea’

meant ‘Silver Service’,

And Blue Peter starred

dear  Peter Purves.


And slow to change;

our ways that work.

A small price to pay –

ironing that shirt!


And heaven forbid the day

that’s superseded,

when the shirt I’ve ironed

no longer needed!



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So good to hear your news

and swap notes just like old times.

We thought that we were suffering,

but when we read your letter – Crimes!


Our troubles seem so miniscule;

our blessings we did count.

Your words at times so funny,

through light-heartedness, no doubt.


Your bravery, we so marvelled at;

what strength, to see it through.

Living in our little bubble,

we tend to exaggerate – it’s true.


So good to hear your news,

and we really wish you well.

It also made our day,

to realise our life, not such a hell.


Needless to say, we’ll share with you,

the troubles you now face,

A problem shared is also halved,

let’s cut right to the chase.



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The mail that landed on my mat

was no surprise at all.

The contents ever familiar,

the colour black, ready to install.


The ‘undoing’ not worth the effort;

the parcel sellotaped for dear life.

I cut my finger opening it,

with the very sharpest knife.


The length not to my liking,

the material, cheap as could be.

No future funerals will see it

on the back of me.


No room inside my wardrobe;

the hangers full of sable black.

With clothes for every occasion,

most heading for a charity sack.


Some too good to throw out;

others of sentimental appeal.

But most just friendly neighbours,

living in a tomb of dark – unreal !


The mail that landed on my mat;

a nightmare to my ears.

I knew it would be joining a queue

of ‘perhaps’,  ‘maybe’ and ‘no fear’s’.


The unpicking not worth the effort,

as once tampered with, the end in sight.

And the ‘will I’ – ‘won’t I’, keep it’ option

gone out the window, taking flight.


The pattern not to my liking;

the ordering, a habit to flee.

No future purchase will I make.

I can promise this to thee.


No room inside my wardrobe.

The hangers go on the attack,

with clothes so heavily loaded,

heading for another charity sack.


All too good to throw out,

and with ‘Retro’ back in it’s heyday,

A car-boot sale the answer,

but will I part with them? – No Way.












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August 13, 2016



The Data received on Bryan

made me say ‘Wow’ out loud.

His energy and vibrancy

standing out in a crowd.


Always eager to learn new skills,

and help others whenever he can.

With a natural ability to connect

and greet his fellow man.


Some say he lives on his own,

but that’s not my point of view,

for when you own a cat

your life shared, with a love so true.


And ‘Little Abby’,  the one waiting

patiently at close of day,

to welcome Bryan home

from either work or play.


A keen one for exercising

down at the gym,

to be toned-up for arrival

in Turkey, looking trim.


Not sure if he works out

to ACDC and Led Zep ?

But 4 visits a week will see him,

as fit as Johnny Depp.


He’s also good at reading

my poems with a chant.

Quite a difficult task,

when I go on a rant!


Bryan loves to go Gigging

and as most of you will know,

‘Pink’ blew his mind, when seen live,

a couple of years ago.


But Dance Music and Reggae

are Bryan’s mainstay,

And Bob Marley his favorite,

so I’ll ‘Exodus’ this way.


And say what a pleasure

it’s been to have an insight

into the ‘Life of Bryan’ –

Hope you all enjoy, this sound-bite.


Written by

Harriet Blackbury









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August 8, 2016


Tune in to 

Tonys Time Machine


Wednesday – 10th August

11am – 1pm

for a simply magic show 

featuring Tony in conversation


Dr. Roger Woods –

A man with many strings to his bow.


Tony will be reading the poem


‘The Magic Woods’

written by 

Harriet Blackbury.


Roger will be reading

‘For The Love Of Heat’

also written by

Harriet Blackbury.


No Fez, no fuss –

just pure genius on air today


This Magic Show needs ears

so be there Folks.


PS  As usual Tony will be in the capable hands

of Vikki.  

So hear this Court in session kids. 




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August 6, 2016



And one so vicious in debate

when fools and scoundrels tempt their fate


and sit before this hardened judge

who digs and digs, but will not budge


until the truth be out on show,

and mincemeat made of latest foe.


The one not hasty in retreat,

who makes young Paxman seem so sweet.


Will to the limit, search for truth

then head to Lulu’s for Vermouth?


Or a drink well earned – not more than three,

as Molly waits for late night wee.


Every now and then, but not for long,

we see his softness, hip-hip, ding-dong.


There IS a heart inside this man

as Scottish granite, cracks best it can


It’s now we glance at the TV

us housewives, suffering because of he,


who is an idol of our men,

who live and breathe for Thursdays when


a double dose of Neil on view –

the third one in our bed of two!


Day in, day out, he haunts this joint,

but I digress from my last point


Just yesterday, I caught his flow,

referring to his sidekick, as Jo-Co!


Such warmth expressed – did my ears deceive?

a double-take I did, as I turned to leave


after bringing lunch to one who’s got the bug,

of trying to win, a cherished political mug!


Neil must have a heart, I began to think,

as I filled the kettle by the sink.


‘Your mate’s got married’ my man sarcastically said,

a few months ago, which stopped me in my tread.


I knew who he meant, it’s just of him he talks,

sat out in the courtyard, or on country walks,


or soaking in the bath, with his head phones on,

until the water cold and all the bubbles gone!


So – A wife to bring out his calmer side,

and for the good, let his aggression slide.


Oh God, give me strength, am I falling for

the charm of one, who’s made my eardrums sore?


I know he’s kind to Miranda – it’s visible on screen,

but sometimes to Diane, he is very mean.


So well done producers, what a clever ploy

to bring on Molly to give us wives such joy.


The star of the show, time after time,

and now scrubbernuts – her partner in crime.


Let humans prattle on – who cares what is said,

now happy doggy thoughts we take to our bed.


And to boost the ratings, with a feel-good glow,

let’s see Mrs Neil’s appearance on a future show.


Written by

Harriet Blackbury

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Plenty of strings to Roger’s bow,

as all his pals have come to know.


Now you see it, now it’s gone;

slight of hand outwits the lookers-on.


Well known as being one of Woodcock’s crowd;

yet another who did ‘Haslingden Grammar’ proud.


Now you see it, or thought you did,

but there’s nowt there, when he lifts the lid!


Much joy gained from ‘Irish Folk’ –

to ‘Progressive Rock’, from this heart of oak.


Now you see it – Lord above,

from up his sleeve appears a dove!


A Crown Prosecutor, and so much more,

is this Rossendale lad, living in Helmshore.


Now you see her – sawn in two,

then stuck together, with ‘No Nails’ glue.


Roger’s friends include Liz and Jerry,

and Craig and Ian, taken for a Curry.


Now you see it, from one so slick,

the world’s most amazing, hot card trick.


The Dubliner’s ‘Waltzing Matilda’ he will defend,

and claims to be a relative of Pete Townsend.


Now you see him – ‘Who Are You’?

so multi-talented, it isn’t true.


‘I Vow To Thee My Country’ – his old school tune.

This Magic Circle member, will be with you soon.


Now you’ll see him, but not for long,

His vanishing act will always, prove you wrong.


Plenty of strings to Roger’s bow,

and here’s a few, no doubt you know.


Now you see it, my one and only try,

to ‘big-up’ Roger, now I’m off . Goodbye.


Written by Harriet Blackbury.







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August 2, 2016


Tune in to 

Tony’s Time Machine


Wednesday 3rd August

11am – 1pm

Tony’s guest of the week will be


who has recently retired from the

Building and Development Team

at Creative Support.


Enjoy this special show

with music through the decades.


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