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August 13, 2024



I rarely cry, but today

a lone tear rolled down my cheek.

I was too choked to speak.


I rarely sigh, but today

a sense of weariness came passing by.

Oh me, oh my!


I rarely retreat, but today

some privacy I had to seek.

I momentarily felt weak.


I rarely transgress, but today

with my head on the block,

I had to take stock.


I rarely give in, but today

my excuses were running thin,

so I let him win.


I rarely shout, but today

my patience just simply ran out.

What’s that all about?


I rarely need help, but today

my world turned upside down,

so I hit the town.


I rarely regret, but today 

stupidity raised it’s head,

and from the scene I fled.


I rarely back track, but today

my actions were lacking attack.

I thought I would crack.


I rarely pray, but today

I did, as I’d lost my way.

No more to say.




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April 28, 2022



He’s worked his fingers to the bone.

The length and breadth of the country he’s travelled.

He has been pro-active in every way,

as the horrors of the world unravelled.


He has overcome illness.

He has dealt with grief.

He has tackled troubles first hand,

and proved himself a worthy chief.


He is loving the job,

that he was born to do.

His efforts must be rewarded,

when another term is due.


His energy is unfailing.

He keeps us out of the mire.

To make Britain great again,

is his only desire.


Who else is there, I ask,

crazy enough to want his position?

Let the lad carry on,

he has shown his contrition.


written by

Harriet Blackbury


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January 18, 2022



He hasn’t a nasty bone in his body,

but has the exuberance of a child,

who sometimes act before they think,

when ideas are running wild.


He has a generosity of spirit,

with vulnerability sometimes on view.

And just like me and you,

at times he is fallible too.


He is loved by those adventurous,

but scorned by those with a virtuous view.

And in an effort to land on middle ground,

easily finds himself in a stew.


But we all know and love, people like him.

In our own lives, there are those, with this trait!

Who we protect and make allowances for.

Well, that is my belief, at any rate.


Who could blame him for feeling euphoric,

as his master plan began to unfold?

Who would not understand all the frustration,

that he alone, on his shoulders, had to hold?


Who would deny him an in-house Thank You,

when he had just saved us from going into extinction?

Even Winston Churchill liked the odd snifter,

and he finished up with a distinction.


He is the best we have at this moment,

and a bit more support wouldn’t go amiss.

To try and be all things, to all people,

is such an impossibility, at times like this.


written by

Harriet Blackbury   January 2022


Post tags:

January 13, 2022



One who carries

a heavy load,

with a head so full,

it might explode.


Should be excused

a well meaning faux pas,

and a human error,

not let, the future mar.


One who works

with good intention,

and gives of their all,

in a unique way.


Should be understood,

in the bigger picture.

When new challenges were met,

and hard work, won the day.


One who carries

on their shoulders,

the weight of the world,

can only do their best.


and should be allowed,

to bravely battle on,

with lessons learned en-route,

in life’s toughest test.


written by

Harriet Blackbury  2022



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December 23, 2021


When you’ve done your best

in the only way you know how;

in the given time space

that life will allow.


Don’t worry about a thing.


When you’ve given your all

whilst balancing balls in the air;

don’t let the returning battle

find you slumped in despair.


Just follow a bird on the wing.


When your efforts are booed

when successful you’ve been;

and the odd oversight

becomes the big screen.


Sit silent, and let time, calmness bring.


When you’ve dealt with bereavement

both in private and on view;

on top of your workload

is the hardest thing to do.


Stay positive, and hear church bells ring.


When new life appears

and makes sense of it all;

be proud of yourself

and always walk tall.


God Bless you with angels that sing.


Post tags:

March 11, 2021



and sunlight came today,

I gave myself a break,

away from a self absorbed existence,

a breathe of fresh air to partake.


and vision came today,

depression to replace.

My mind flooding with ideas,

I re-joined the human race.


and hope came by today,

a future I could see.

Solitude, a draughty corridor

that nearly was the death of me.



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and for the umpteenth

time that day,

the mind unsettled –

in disarray.


and birds that came

for daily bread,

absent from the air –

the world seemed dead.


So still, too still,

pressure intense.

That day so different,

nothing made sense.


and for the umpteenth

time that day,

all sense of reason

went away.


any chance of hope

inside my head,

quickly replaced

by fear and dread.


What point – no point

to life, I thought,

when at rock bottom

some help I sought.



Post tags:

February 4, 2021


Everyone of us

leaves a trail

as soon as ever

our ship sets sail.


Everyone of us

is duty bound

to help others who

have hit the ground.


Everyone of us

needs to talk

to strangers

on our daily walk.


Everyone of us

is quite unique

and yet so similar

when we hold hands and speak.


Everyone of us

needs to see

the wonder of nature

in every tree.


Everyone of us

needs a friend

to prevent us going

round the bend.


Everyone of us

will at some point dwell

on the repercussions

of raising hell.


Everyone of us

has the choice

to just stay silent

or to have a voice.


Everyone of us

can happiness find

with a positive attitude

of heart and mind.


Everyone of us

knows right from wrong

so lets rejoice in the truth

and stay on song.


Everyone of us

will look back and sigh

whilst wondering ‘What if?’

when a lost chance goes by.


Everyone of us

needs a fighting spirit

to survive rough times

and new life inherit.


Everyone of us

has to die.

when our number is up

that’s it  –  goodbye.


Everyone of us

is equal in heaven

with the Lord insisting

‘Lights out at seven’.


Written by Harriet Blackbury.


Post tags:

December 25, 2020


Let’s all unite as a nation,

now that we’ve come this far.

Let’s put back the Great in Britain,

and show the world who we are.


Let’s find in ourselves some happiness,

that in recent times has disappeared.

Let’s love those who are less fortunate,

and embrace the freedom of being home-reared.


Let’s welcome to our land all visitors,

but on our terms, as now is the case.

Let’s enrich our lives with friendship,

though sadly not yet, with a physical embrace.


Let’s put our nation first, and go forward.

Each new step, such an important seed.

Let’s all take on a positivity,

that becomes infectious, so we can succeed.


Let’s show each other kindness,

and come together as one.

Let’s make 2021 special

Let’s bring back the sun that once shone.


Let’s find in our hearts the passion.

Let’s be selfless, and give something back.

Let’s make our country fantastic again,

and fly high our Union Jack.


by Harriet Blackbury

Post tags:

April 20, 2020


We bend the rules, we cross the bar,

and go a little bit too far.


We turn the key, we enter in,

that private room – it is a sin.


We stretch the truth, we tell a lie,

to impress our peers, oh me, oh my.


We weep for others, we share their pain.

It helps us keep, our own head sane.


We smile, we laugh, and onward go,

and for the world, put on a show.


We dig a hole, we downward fall,

when lies exposed, shit hits the wall.


We dip and delve, we recall names,

and resurrect, the same old flames.


We visualise, we second guess,

what isn’t said, in times of stress.


We overthink, we take a gulp.

We beat ourselves, sometimes to pulp.


We agonise, we sit and wait,

until depression, lifts it’s gate.


written by

Harriet Blackbury.


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