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May 11, 2012



By chance, I came across Veronique

               one Sunday morning in a Riga street.

                                    She touched my very soul.

     No more than nine or ten herself and

               already a surrogate mother

                       out walking with her siblings

                                    In charge

                                              In control

                           Yet, so soft and gentle


    She cradled her tiny young cat, Bonzic

                       as if a babe in arms.

                                     He let her too!

           He seemed content

                        and protected.

      We chatted

                       Had instant rapport

She was as bright as a button

          and introduced me to her eldest brother

              around the age of six or seven.

                     His teeth in a state of decay


      In a push chair were two more children

                           Looked like twins

                                    aged two or three

                                           or so it seemed to me


At the time my heart was breaking.

              I was stressed

                           and out of my tree.

                  Obsessed with my own problems


I wanted to walk on with those children

                              Stay with them forever

              They had nothing

                                 Yet, they had everything

                 Love, contentment, bonding

                             I could barely pull myself away

                                    They taught me so much



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May 4, 2012



There’s no point in being moralistic

And it’s too late to now back track

The problem’s here and we must deal with it

No use having a heart attack!




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Don’t let all the people know

your every waking plan.

Keep a little inside,

whenever you possibly can



It’s one thing being honest,

but don’t give the game away.

Being an open book,

doesn’t always pay.



Best to keep a bit inside,

and have something in reserve.

Or others will steal from under your nose.

Some people do have a nerve!





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May 3, 2012



It’s all to do with confidence

And how we stand up on our own.

It’s all to do with fitting in.

Not many can go it alone ! 




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April 20, 2012



Try to keep things in perspective,

Don’t go over the well trodden ground.

To keep reliving the past, as was then,

Is destructive, so turn things around.


Try to keep life in compartments,

By keeping a mental file.

That is easily tucked away in a place,

Somewhere in the memory’s mile.


Try to keep going forward,

Yesterday is dead and buried.

Look forward to all your tomorrows,

But don’t let your today’s be hurried.


Try to keep looking cheerful,

Whilst inside you are falling apart.

That way you will trick your brain,

And love will flow to your heart



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April 15, 2012



The reformed persona

of a wayward soul,

constantly reaching inwardly

to draw strength anew.

One minute at a time.

One day at a time.

And always with the knowledge

that devastation is nearby

and anarchy, at any second,

could kick in



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April 11, 2012




The early morning tackiness of London streets.

The deafening hustle and bustle that is city life.

Millionaires and celebrities

sitting cheek by jowl,

with vagrants and loners

in street cafes.

Whilst in Soho Park,

no sign of a nightingale or a lark.

Just the homeless

rising from park benches,

 and searching the pavements

for their first fix of the day.

A fag end will do fine,

and the choice is endless.

Some are still clinging  to a long since

emptied bottle of wine,

or maybe it was meths.

Who knows, who cares?

City slickers jauntily pass by, never raising an eye.

The white collared swells,  the ne’er do well’s,

accepting of each other.

There goes he, there go I,

but for the blinking of an eye.

They’re all in this mess together.

The streetwise pigeons

fighting over a discarded blueberry muffin,

that has overflowed along with

other junk and debris from

a city council bin.

What a din, what a mess.

There’s a balance to redress.

But to witness it, is exciting,

almost exhilarating.

There’s an earthy richness all around.

A common bond between strangers

passing on a daily basis.

Never speaking, never acknowledging one another,

yet silently existing  within their own safe, separate worlds





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April 10, 2012



Let him get a word in

Let him have his say

He has some good ideas

Let him see the light of day



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April 4, 2012


When the hurt and the

Heartache have become

Embedded in the sand

Out of nowhere an angel

Will take your hand.



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Foibles and fantasies

Fresh water fish

Deep sea divers

Survivors, opportunists

Crabs and mollusc

Dolphins leaping

Sharks never sleeping

A universe forgotten

And still we dare to sail on!



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