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April 17, 2012



They’re much more faithful than a human

And they never answers back

They are loyal and true and loving

Even when they get a whack


The never will betray us

No matter what we do

And when they see we’re sad

They will also feel quite blue


They rely on us for food

And also walks as well

We can disclose all our secrets

For they will never tell


Although they’re often know

As being ‘man’s best friend

I’d say they are the only ones

On whom we can depend.



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March 14, 2012

The love that you showed him throughout his life

Cannot be measured or deleted

For you gave him much joy, it has to be said 

Until his final breathe was completed


He cannot be replaced, nor should he be

He was precious beyond compare

You need some time to grieve for him

Which of course, is only fair


 Dogs live so long, they become family

They are loyal and trusting, it’s true

And only you know what tomorrow will bring

Maybe even a CAT or two!


So you mustn’t be sad,  just remember his ways

And the fun that you had through the years

He’ll stay in your mind and pop into your thoughts

Helping  you smile through your tears.

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March 12, 2012



The corn fed chicken was free to roam

The farmyard paths that it called home .


The greedy pig used to like to scoff,

All the rubbish that was in the trough.


The gaggle of geese would stand so proud

But when they spoke, my god, they were loud.


The resident sheepdog was ever so bright,

He was the only one to see the light.


 Old MacDonald had long since died,

‘Not before time,’ his wife she sighed.


The children had gone to pastures new

But the cows still stood  and sang with a moo.


The little old donkey in the far off grass

Backed up to the fence to scratch his ass.


The buttercups swayed in the gentle breeze

As the cat sat scratching away at its fleas.


Life seemed good – It was a normal day

As the farmhand romped away in the hay.




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February 26, 2012


I saw a cat with bright green eyes

Down at the Rescue today

He looked at me and said ‘Take me home’

Would I just – if I had my own way!


I saw a lovely Tabby Mum

With her two sons – Fluffy and Felix

They tore at my heart, but I already have four!

And with them – they would just never mix


I saw other cats trotting here and there-

Going about their daily routine

The feeling down there is beyond compare-

It’s the best place I’ve ever been!


I’ve been to Paris and London too

And I’ve drank Champagne on a boat

But a visit to the Cat Rescue –

Always brings a lump to my throat.


There’s something down there- SO tranquil and still

Simply something that money can’t buy

I could bring them ALL home, but my Husband said NO!

Ah Well!  –  It was still worth a try!


Some cats are majestic, others are bold

And some they just know how to charm.

All cats are wise and give out so much love

Just one stroke brings so much inner calm


If you feel you could sponsor a lonely cat

That’s been abandoned, or simply is lost!

It’s the most worthwhile thing that you ever could do

-No matter how little the cost.


These creatures are mystical – We need them around

To make sense of this crazy old planet

It can’t hurt to love them and give them a home

Well really – I ask you – Can it?


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