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November 8, 2013



There’s a lady who haunts him

and nags at his brain,

and re-appears in his dreams

again and again.


Although, once real,

now an image of his past,

she sits there undaunted,

her vision colourfast.


This lady so gentle,

still vibrant in his mind,

outshines all the others-

to her faults, he is blind.


This lady so powerful

with penetrative powers

now keeps him sane,

in long waking hours.


Why this lady of all ladies?

God only knows?

She taught him so much,

and caressed away his woes.


She beckoned him closer,

She mopped his brow.

They made love by moonlight-

Oh, how he longed for her now!


She was gone by the morning,

always promising to return.

The intensity of her passion,

would make his heart yearn.


This lady who came,

again and again,

had now disappeared,

but lives on in his brain.


And when cold winters arrive,

causing the nights to draw in,

that’s the worst time of all,

as old seasonal memories begin.




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