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August 13, 2024



I rarely cry, but today

a lone tear rolled down my cheek.

I was too choked to speak.


I rarely sigh, but today

a sense of weariness came passing by.

Oh me, oh my!


I rarely retreat, but today

some privacy I had to seek.

I momentarily felt weak.


I rarely transgress, but today

with my head on the block,

I had to take stock.


I rarely give in, but today

my excuses were running thin,

so I let him win.


I rarely shout, but today

my patience just simply ran out.

What’s that all about?


I rarely need help, but today

my world turned upside down,

so I hit the town.


I rarely regret, but today 

stupidity raised it’s head,

and from the scene I fled.


I rarely back track, but today

my actions were lacking attack.

I thought I would crack.


I rarely pray, but today

I did, as I’d lost my way.

No more to say.




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