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April 2, 2014



A website of a thousand groans

with many rants and lots of moans.

A body of work, not great, but mine;

words from the heart, line after line.


An escape route, from stress and strains

of high class living to breadcrumb remains.

And if truth be known, my salvation too;

a different richness found, to start anew.


Some laughs as well along the way

when bouts of hope popped in to say.

‘Hey, lighten up, you grumpy bitch.

This transition time is but a glitch,


and in the greater scheme of things

a better future contentment brings’.

And hope was right; that wise old sage.

A new tomorrow is there on every page.


And the task in hand, an ongoing flow

as the mind unravels in candlelight’s glow.

And with loyal support to lean upon

please God, help me reach a thousand and one.



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and in his finest hour he wept

tears of relief as night-time crept

upon him like a mighty cloak;

that man of men, that solid bloke.


and far off in the distance rang

a fairground, as if angels sang.

His eyes lit up when he heard those folk;

that man of men, that solid bloke.


Though the smile about to leave his face

and be replaced by opium’s grace.

Oh, how he’d loved to laugh and joke;

That man of men, that solid bloke.


By him, a card with which he was smitten

‘a man of integrity’ on it, staff had written.

He stared with pride each time he awoke

that man of men, that solid bloke.


and with music in the background playing

he left this world from where he was laying.

How he’d loved an egg with a runny yolk;

that man of men, that solid bloke.




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April 1, 2014



A word slipped in

with no intention

of causing harm;

just pure invention.


A word slipped in;

A double meaning;

An innocent remark

with no side screening.


A word slipped out

when forward leaning.

A whispered bark

when feathers preening.



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A single crumb of evidence,

but enough to get one hung.

A blob of cream on the tip of the nose,

proving excuses to be far flung.


A mouth too full to even speak

and almost choking with shock,

when unexpectedly caught red handed

gorging on a secret supply of choc!




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To moisten a look

that has become too severe.

To reach out and give comfort

to a love most dear.


To wash away grit

from a dust filled eye.

To recall a loss with

much more than a sigh.


To release the pain

of a sad goodbye.

To sympathise

and trust imply.


To show humanity

whilst asking for pardon.

To share grief together

in a remembrance garden.



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