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July 9, 2012



Sample a cupful of mirth.

Top it up with good cheer.

Discover the elixir of life

And enjoy it, whilst you’re still here.



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Allsorts and misshapes,

and ‘bag over the head’ cases,

look young and delicious in

dark night club places.



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Mourners and weepers,

and some not caring less,

joined forces together and

prayed for owd Tess.


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Has the penny dropped yet?

Is the picture clear?

Do we have to spell it out?

Are you as thick as you appear?



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Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty,

instead of skirting around the edge.

Let’s dig deep beneath the surface,

instead of tottering along the ledge.


Let’s vow to get things sorted.

Here and now, let’s make a pledge.

Then keep the vault door closed,

And no more, the past into – dredge.




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I’m with them, but I’m not.

I’m not visible to their eyes.

Their eyes see only human life.

Human life has passed me by.

But I’m theirs, and always there.



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Familiar accents

bring a tear to the eye,

for hometown yearnings

and times gone by.


True northern warmth,

never diluted by rain.

The place of one’s birth,

with love, floods the brain.



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July 5, 2012



People scurrying for the Tube,

during a working day.

Going about their business,

in their normal kind of way.


Rich and poor alike they weaved,

through the bowels of the city.

Never knowing their fate that day.

Oh God, it was a pity.


Innocent folks from far and wide,

it could have been you or me.

But we cannot walk on eggshells,

nor into the minds of killers, see.


To read about it in the papers,

brought sadness to our souls.

And to happen so soon after ‘Live8’,

hampered our world peace goals.


We went from ecstasy into agony,

as we celebrated our Olympic bid.

It brought us back to reality.

Of terror – will we ever be rid?


But those precious family members,

lost on the bus and the Underground.

Will never be forgotten,

whilst there’s so much love still around.






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Try it, you might just like it

Give it your best shot

Surprise yourself

Attempt the unimaginable

Enter freefall

Enough said!



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July 1, 2012



Trust no-one but yourself

Follow your intuition

Believe in your wildest schemes

With hope, they can come to fruition.



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