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July 20, 2012



Their train of thought has long since

pulled out of the station, and crossed

the tracks entangled in their head.

Though their journey is still ongoing,

their destination is endless, and on

past memories fed.



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July 19, 2012



Come and sit by me

You look so in need of a hug

If that chair is too uncomfortable

We could snuggle up on the rug.



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Today I am reliable

You can be sure of my attention

I will shower you with kisses

and do things I dare not mention


Tomorrow, I can’t speak for

As there could be intervention.

Events out of my control,

causing irreversible tension.




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I deserted you because

you were too soft.

You mothered me.

Smothered me.

Saw to my every need.

You should have been

more challenging, and

stood your ground.

Our relationship is dead

because you had ‘doormat’

stamped across your head.



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Consider the safety net he offers you.

He’ll take good care of you.

He’s reliable.

He’ll be there when you fall, and

you may come to love him in time.

I know he’s not demonstrative, and

your heart doesn’t miss a beat.

But he’ll give you a life that is comfortable,

and get you back on your feet.





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July 17, 2012



The foundations are solid.

The infrastructure is in place

The only flawed component

is the human race.



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July 15, 2012



Teach the little ones to pray

It will help them through their toughest day

Teach the little ones to eat

It will set them up with the top elite

Teach the little ones to love

It will help their hand fit into the glove

Teach the little ones to sleep

It will restore their body, like little bo-peep

Teach the little ones to smile

It will get them over many a style

Teach the little ones to hope

When you’re gone, it will give them hope.



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Simpleton’s sausages won all the awards,

and were packed with flavour and taste.

They sat perfectly with creamy mash

and  ‘Toad in the hole’ next day

meant little waste.




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Do it with dignity

Show some pride

Ride a white swan

to the other side.





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Lead him not into temptations path,

for he is a succour for life on the wild side.

And will embrace all that is on offer,

on a reckless, roller coaster ride.



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