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April 25, 2012



That one fly ruined everything

I tried to swat it with my hand

Knocking over a glass of wine in the process

And wrecking a summer’s lunch that was grand


‘Shall we eat inside or out’

He asked me when we arrived.

And as he’s a man of the great outdoors

Of the sun, I knew he wouldn’t want to be deprived


So I acquiesced, I think that’s the word

Well anyhow, we finished up sat on a form

Covered in pigeon pooh with ants

Running amok – Oh, how I longed for a storm.


Being the fantasist that he is

These obstacles were of little dread

And I sat there thinking ‘Ee what a fool,

The sun’s burning the top of his head’


Then it arrived, I knew it would come

It follows me everywhere

I know it’s the same one, I live in fear

The ‘little shit’ hasn’t got a care!


My man is a ‘foodie’, a gourmet renowned

And selected from the menu his choice

Whilst slavering over the Hungarian waitress

As he listened to her so sexy voice!


He’s building up another scenario, I thought

Of expectation filled with desire

‘I’ll take a bottle of the Chablis, my dear’

He said with his bright eyes on fire.


For starters he’d decided on the crab salad

Followed by a rare rib eye steak

I still can’t believe how it all went so wrong

And such a gorgeous setting, sat by the lake!


Life seemed so perfect, well for him at least

Though I too, was starting to unwind

But that nuisance fly just wouldn’t go away

So I lashed out with all the power I could find


‘Oh well done Darling’, he sarcastically uttered

As his steak sailed in a sea of white wine

‘The cabaret is free’ I said to other diners

As the Hungarian floosie asked ‘Is everything fine’?




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