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February 1, 2015



Throw off that blanket

of anonymity, and ride

bare-back into the




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January 14, 2015



An all fulfilling sacrifice,

worth every penny,

no matter what the price.


Effort put in,

thrice over, paid,

in satisfaction’s everglade.




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January 4, 2015



In the lily pond

of a childhood dream,

lie secret wishes

leading to a stream.


As yet, unrealised,

but the outlet there;

waiting for the moment

to lay burdens bare.


And shed a skin,

and to life respond;

but first that single step,

out of the lily pond!



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December 19, 2014



Weren’t you the one

who battled on,

and showed us resolve,

when hope, all but gone?


Weren’t you the one

we relied upon,

and came up trumps,

with the noon day sun?


Weren’t you the one,

when, at heavens door,

returned to life and

gave us, that bit more?


Weren’t you the one,

who kept us sane,

when in depths of despair,

we felt such pain.


Weren’t you the one

Well, it’s our turn now,

and we’ll beat this thing

together somehow!



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December 17, 2014



Don’t fight fate,

that served you well,

and brought you from

the gates of hell.


Don’t fight fate

that saved the day,

and led you to

a better way.


Don’t fight fate;

that open door,

when you were

all but on the floor.


Don’t fight fate;

it’s on your side.

It saw your luck

about to slide.


Don’t fight fate,

just let it in,

so a new future

can begin.



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December 15, 2014



As they approached

Temptation’s Boulevard,

their paths criss-crossed

past Baxters yard,


and onward towards

their destination;

each without a thought

or imagination,


of how their lives

about to change;

neither sensing fear,

nor feeling strange.


Yet wanting more

than was on show,

and needing more

than fire-light’s glow,


that was offered on

Temptation’s Boulevard.

A path well trodden;

a well used entry card.


A secret promise

to stay away:

A promise broken

every day.


A way of life,

this comfort zone.

A habit formed,

no reason known.


For one, a way

to easy cash.

For the other, recovery

from the crash.


Two worlds collide

on Temptation’s Boulevard,

and hand in hand they run

past Baxter’s yard,


into the sunlight

where freedom found;

an escape forever,

from life’s underground



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December 7, 2014



What pent up rage

and unexplained plight,

exists in darkened depths

never seeing light.


Such frustrated anguish

from being misunderstood,

clogs up the mind,

like slurried mud.


The safety valve

that is key to peace,

needs sensitive handling,

allowing pain release.


The freedom to be

who you want to be,

is the greatest gift,

from life’s giving tree.




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November 3, 2014



Oh, the horror

of that disease!

As yet no cure

can science tease.


Oh, the saviour

of minds exploring.

Help from above,

we are imploring.


Oh the sadness

for those so near,

to see them daily

shed a tear.


Oh, the loyalty,

and love waiting there,

for those lost in a world

they are unable to share.




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October 18, 2014



Hope saw the well with water fill;

enough to last the Fall,

and knew within that moment,

the strength to conquer all.


And comfort saw a passing cloud

fast moving overhead,

and knew within that moment,

all bitterness was dead.


And faith saw a bless’ed miracle

evolve from outer space,

and knew within that moment,

a future, there to face.




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September 20, 2014



And she the one

who favoured thrift;

a steadying oar,

when the boat adrift.


And she the one

who favoured caution,

and knotted ends

to life’s contortions.


And she the one;

a safe pair of hands,

who balanced the books

before final demands.


And she the one

who others took for a ride,

when in an act of greed,

committing, professional suicide.


And she the one

empowered by need,

took hold of the reins

and did succeed.



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