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July 19, 2012



Consider the safety net he offers you.

He’ll take good care of you.

He’s reliable.

He’ll be there when you fall, and

you may come to love him in time.

I know he’s not demonstrative, and

your heart doesn’t miss a beat.

But he’ll give you a life that is comfortable,

and get you back on your feet.





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July 14, 2012



Go outside and mix.

Join the world.

Talk to anyone, smile

at everyone you pass.

Sit on the grass and

people watch.


Just get off those

confounded contraptions

and LIVE



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July 13, 2012



It’s best to own up to the simplest mistake

because not to, would only be folly.

If sorry doesn’t work, then plead insanity

It’s OK to be quite off your trolley


It’s best to recover from any such mistake,

as fast as you possibly can.

Get it right off your chest then lay it to rest,

and move on to your very next plan.


As we all grow, we must make that mistake,

from which we always step back and retreat.

How many times must we wobble and fall,

before finally finding our feet?


How dull life would be without a single mistake,

to refer to at some later stage.

And how sad not to have in our memory bank,

a mistake that was worth a week’s wage!



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July 9, 2012



Sample a cupful of mirth.

Top it up with good cheer.

Discover the elixir of life

And enjoy it, whilst you’re still here.



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July 5, 2012



Try it, you might just like it

Give it your best shot

Surprise yourself

Attempt the unimaginable

Enter freefall

Enough said!



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July 1, 2012



Trust no-one but yourself

Follow your intuition

Believe in your wildest schemes

With hope, they can come to fruition.



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Please don’t swear,

I find it offensive.

Speak with a civil tongue.


Express yourself in a

manner that’s acceptable.

Surely you know right from wrong.




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June 20, 2012



Live it, love it,

embrace it. For

tomorrow, it will be

but a memory



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June 12, 2012



Do not fear tomorrow

Just peacefully rest your head,

and sleep until the morning is with you

Then happily dance out of bed.


Feeling refreshed and invigorated,

like a nymph, swinging on a gossamer thread

Let your anxieties and cares go windward

and choose the positive route instead.


‘Life’s gone in a flash’, old folk’s tell us.

We shrug our shoulders and think, ‘Oh, Get real’

But before we know it, another decade has gone,

and we begin to know how they feel.


So do not fear tomorrow

Every second is priceless, be told.

Make all of your time count for something

There’s more to life than a pot of gold.



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June 6, 2012



‘Everything in moderation’,

our  Dad always said.

But he worked ‘til he was sixty five,

then promptly dropped down dead.


Now where’s the sense in that?


Just take this life steady,

and fit into the daily grind.

Don’t be over ambitious,

or indeed, overstretch your mind.


Now where’s the sense in that?


Just be Mister Average,

and follow the flock of sheep.

Tumble through life in wonderment,

as if you are half asleep.


Now where’s the sense in that?


Dare to wake up feeling different,

with blood running fast through your veins.

You can meet any challenge ahead,

if you’ll only take hold of the reins!


Now there is some sense in THAT !


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