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August 13, 2024



Purple haze and yellow fever

Blue ridge mountains, golden retriever.


Lilac, lavender, white snowdrops

Orange cordial, Coco pops.


Red sails in sunsets and thunderclaps.

Lightning striking, men without caps.


Black ink by Quink and shocking pink.

Potato peelings blocking the sink.


Mauve and scarlet, yellow and green,

outshone by peach and tangerine.


Slushy snow and unfilled dreams.

Dad liked all flavours of ice cream.


Mushroom, beige and racing green.

Pale blue e-types now seldom seen.


Black and grey and Teal – the duck.

Bright red leather, not good luck.


Nutty brown and almond paste,

many a pastry eaten in haste.


Lemon jelly, cherry cake.

Waist expanding, big mistake.


Lime and soda and evergreen.

Hot pepper sauce, setting the scene.


Fawn at dawn and midnight blue.

In a hurry, join the queue.




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I rarely cry, but today

a lone tear rolled down my cheek.

I was too choked to speak.


I rarely sigh, but today

a sense of weariness came passing by.

Oh me, oh my!


I rarely retreat, but today

some privacy I had to seek.

I momentarily felt weak.


I rarely transgress, but today

with my head on the block,

I had to take stock.


I rarely give in, but today

my excuses were running thin,

so I let him win.


I rarely shout, but today

my patience just simply ran out.

What’s that all about?


I rarely need help, but today

my world turned upside down,

so I hit the town.


I rarely regret, but today 

stupidity raised it’s head,

and from the scene I fled.


I rarely back track, but today

my actions were lacking attack.

I thought I would crack.


I rarely pray, but today

I did, as I’d lost my way.

No more to say.




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