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June 27, 2013



Just remembering Acdo and Rinso,

and also Omo and Tide, takes me back

to those Mondays at Grandma’s, when

she ironed all her washing with pride.




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She instilled in them disciple

and structure, and re-taught them

self esteem.

She showed them the benefits of

of damned hard work, where

lackadaisicalness had taken

hold in the extreme.

She shared with them the gifts

of her talent and scraped them

up off the ground.

A more remarkable person there

never was –

A natural giver of life and love,

and great fun to be around.



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In the olden days they would have said

she was ‘a bit touched, or even ‘tapped’

and blessed with eccentricity.


Today she would have been worshipped

and called a genius and given shots

of neon coloured electricity.



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In the bedrooms were signs of dampness

where the wallpaper had started to peel.

The roof badly needed re-thatching

but the owners ‘would do a deal’.


Then glasses clinked loudly together

sounding like a grand masters toast.

The Agent said ‘Don’t be worried’,

‘It’s only the resident ghost!




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I love, therefore

I am alive.

I will still love

tomorrow when you

are gone from my side,

but I will mourn your loss,

and yet through despair,

somehow survive.



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June 20, 2013



Come back to your homeland

and your friends, be among.

To remain imprisoned in this

crazy, self imposed exile, can

only be wrong.

Come back to New York

where you belong.




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Footprints in the mud

Going nowhere fast

Bogged down in no mans land

and living in the past.



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Little voice so hauntingly tender

Just letting me know you are near.

Begging for seeds, if you’re lucky, and

however long it takes, you do persevere.


Little voice to your tune I surrender

Here is the nourishment that you demand.

I pray for the day when nerves desert you

and you accept this meal from my hand.




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Once upon a deadline, when

she was running short on time,

and choices weren’t an option

and she’d lost a love sublime.


She came to the conclusion

that her life was now her own, with

friends submerged in parenthood

and others, she’d outgrown.


Once upon a deadline, she

got the urge to travel on, though

the love she knew she’d lost,

in her mind would linger on.


She came to the conclusion

as she trod a new stepping stone,

that no-one else could take his place

and the future she would face alone.




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Here comes Moonhead,

so I guess it’s time I should leave.

He wants you in before midnight

and your Papa, you mustn’t deceive.




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